Warning to Independents

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Winding down. There are only a few more scenes to shoot which are going to take place at my (evan) house and maybe one or two more cutaways that will be done in class. We have been playing around with different types of ideas on how to open the film. Originally the beginning consisted of seven minutes of dialogue with the overly handsome me and James, but that was cut out. So along with a few other tweaks the opening will need to be perfected. Girl is now the new cameraman because of Merrigans dedication to the lesser important things in life like lacrosse. I’m not sure if lacrosse can take you anywhere past college but thats OK Merrigan has a grim future anyway might as well start early I guess. Girl does a good job with the steadycam and all and will be a worthy replacement. A few more days of editing and shooting and we will be wrapping up and helping the other slacking crews on finishing up their films. In the red will be the film to beat in my eyes and im looking forward to seeing what the other movies bring to the table. Regardless of awards the festival will be one of the best yet unless of course any independent wins anything then all hell will break loose and may god have mercy on their souls. Mango out.

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